
If you are a Facebook user, do join our Facebook group: .  You don’t need to become a ‘Friend’ of anyone else – in the orchestra or elsewhere – or play in the orchestra – to be a member of the group.

After rehearsal some of us meet up for a drink and a chat and everyone is welcome – indeed, the more the merrier.  Our usual venue for this is currently The Dorset Soldier, Wareham Road, Corfe Mullen – just down the road from where we rehearse.

Social events for members and their guests in the past have included parties, summer picnics, skittles evenings and a ceilidh.  There is currently a vacancy on the Committee for a Social Secretary.

Charities:  Before each concert we select a ‘good cause’, usually a local charity, to be the recipient of any monies we receive via retiring collections, etc.